Monday, April 8, 2013

Hi Everyone! This is Anne, I will be blogging it up on Claire's blog with her updates. She is doing amazing in the MTC and loving it there. Her P Day is Thursday so that is when we will hear from her and I will post her emails as we receive them. She loves you all and misses you... We all know she loves people that read her blog ;) Enjoy!

Thursday, April 4 2013


It is finally P-DAY! I know that you all were muy confused about when my p-day was and now if you are reading this you know that it is thursdays, from now until may 6th. May 6th will be my last day in the MTC before argentina so about 5 weeks to go here! Right now I am in the laundry room, well room is an understatement it's like a tiny factory of washing machines and dryers and computers so we all sit here and write while we wait for our laundry to be done. also we have a bookstore here and we get $8 woohoo every wednesday to spend  in there.  

Okay so what's new here.....well everything. haha. My companion is Hermana Ashby and she is from the classic, Boise, Idaho, of course. She is super nice, she is 20 years old and she plays the viola. She is super obedient...which is good but sometimes i just tell her to relax haha. Okay so pretty much all day I am in a classroom and the people in my classroom are called my district.  And I am with them ALLLL day so it's a good thing I like them haha. we are together from basically 8am and eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner together. and are in the classroom until 9:30 at night. also during gym time we all play basketball together-- thats right, im a baller now. hahaha not really. But they really are fun people. 3 of us girls are going to buenos aires west, 8 of them are going to Antifugasta, Chile and the one lone ranger is going to Colombia. But we are all learning spanish. There's 4 girls, me, Hermana Ashby, Hermana Miller, and Hermana Rindlisbacher. We are all in the same dorm together too. WE are bff's. haha we laugh all day and have a great time. they are so funny and cool. The elders in our district are elder bandy, elder adams, elder ashby (found out he was cousins with my companion the day they came into the mtc) elder james, elder Laula Pautautu (wrong spelling haha) and elder couch. elder couch is the funniest one in here and he keeps us laughing all day. he's sitting next to me and just told me the coolest sounding accent is american sign

oh man there are so many weird things going on in this place. i saw a girl running through the bathroom holding a yellow cellophane gift screaming "SISTER RIDGEMOND!!! SISTER RIDGEMOND!!" haha mormons. also in my room there are two other sisters that are random and they are serving in las vegas so they leave monday already. hilarious girls! one girl is from Paris, KENTUCKY. and she has the best accent and the best stories about her past boyfriends. love the girls bonding time at night. okay so the food here is out of control. every meal there is like 509375902375 options and most of it is pretty good. and me and the mtc are meant to be because the chocolate milk here is THE BEST. oh and the ice cream. they have ice cream wednesdays and sundays. and then there's like a sweet station of wraps and packaged salads that are really good. because i definitely don't wanna roll out of here.

today we got to go to the provo temple which was awesome. and we ate breakfast there and it was the best belgian waffle ever. okay enough about the food. let's talk about Easter in here. oh myyyyyyy! i really think if they want anyone to get baptized they should just send them to the MTC for one or 2 days and badda bing badda boom they will want to be baptized. So Easter morning we had sacrament with EVERYONE in the MTC. They passed sacrament to 3,000 missionaries, which they said is the most ever. Pretty awesome. WE got to here from Bishop Causse who is in the presiding bishopric and he is french. and that talk was amazing. then we had testimony meeting with our zone. our zone is all the districts on our floor that are learning spanish pretty much. so it's 4 districts. and we all have church together usually on sundays. we had a testimony meeting and i bore my testimony solamente en espanol :) i know i dont know where it came from either haha. but it's so easy to learn with the spirit exploding out the walls of this place! and then we ate steak for dinner and then we had a fireside. Guess who was the speaker....sheri dew!! Love her so much. she gave the best talk ever and we all were sitting there with our mouths open like in awe of her. oh oh before she spoke the MTC president's wife played the piano in a really cool fanfare and we all sang called to serve and stood up right at the end and it was really powerful and awesome. 

well i dont have too much time left but i will try to respond to all your letters :) thank you so much for all the love!! i get the most letters of anyone in my district and they all make fun of me haha. okay well mostly we just study study eat eat and pray that we can remember spanish when we teach the "fake investigators" only in spanish. but i can have a conversation with him in spanish! sweeeeeeet YO. 

love you all so much! and if i had to say who i miss the most of would be ...just kidding :) i miss all of you! but mostly ella haha. give her a big kiss for me! until next thursday! i am alive and well.

hermana rohm aka Claire-bear AKA c$ aka all of your favorites :)

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